<p>Abstract Poetry is the artistic tradition that the arabs have been developing from their pre-Islamic time to the Islamic one throughout their Arabian archipelago. Next, this Arabic poetry has its own social function as a note list (dȉwân) for the Arab people. This social function produces the prominent Arabic literati’s names, one of which is Ahmad Syauqi Bek bin Ali bin Ahmad Syauqi (b. in Cairo in 1868- d. in Cairo in 1932), a man of letters called the “Prince of the Poets” (amȉr al syu’arâ’). One of his well-known Arabic poetries is “Damascus Tragedy” (Nakbah Dimasyqâ) collected in the book of “A’lâm wa Ruwwâd fȉ al-Adab al-‘Arabȉ” (The Learned People and the Pioneers in the Arabic Letters) authored by Kazhim Chathiyth ...